Historic ceremony in Toronto to recognize Canadian soldiers of Peruvian origin who participated in World War I and II

Posted On 23 Oct 2023
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Courtesy of the Peruvian Cultural House.- On Wednesday, October 18, 2023, at the facilities of the Consulate General of Peru in Toronto, Canada, the historic recognition ceremony was held for the Canadian soldiers of Peruvian origin who participated in the First and Second World Wars.

The Honorable Consul General of Peru in Toronto, Minister Ítalo Acha Puertas, gave his words of welcome to all those present, highlighting the contributions of Peruvians abroad (PEX) and this important discovery where the Peruvian community is given the opportunity to Learn more about the history of these brave Canadian soldiers of Peruvian origin who left their places of origin as Peruvian civilian citizens and voluntarily enlisted in the Canadian Army.

Following were the words of Captain Rey García-Salas, representative of the Canadian Armed Forces and the Latin American Soldiers Committee (LASC), which promotes the historical recognition of Canadian Soldiers of Peruvian origin who participated in World War I and II, together with the support of the Peruvian Cultural House in Toronto, represented by Betzabe Requena Cortez, who also gave a few words referring to the tribute and valuable historical legacy of these Canadian heroes.

It should be noted that the Consul General of Peru in Toronto, Canada reaffirmed his faithful commitment to achieving a multiplier effect so that this historical legacy also reaches other consulates and embassies and is promoted in Peru and the rest of Canada.

The Latin American Soldiers Committee (LASC): “We pay tribute to the notable contributions of Peruvians in the Canadian Armed Forces during the First and Second World Wars.

Their dedication, bravery and sacrifice exemplify the values that have shaped the history of Latin America and Canada, and their stories serve as a testament to the unbreakable bond between our two regions.

Peruvians who voluntarily joined the Canadian Armed Forces during the world wars left their homes, families and country behind, answering the call to defend the principles of peace and justice. They believed in a cause bigger than themselves, transcending borders to stand shoulder to shoulder with their Canadian brothers and sisters.

Their unwavering commitment exemplifies the power of unity and the strength of diversity, forming a powerful bond that continues to inspire us today.”

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