Premier de Ontario, Doug Ford presentó a su nuevo gabinete 2022
Bajo el liderazgo del premier Doug Ford, el gobierno obtuvo otro mandato mayoritario del pueblo de Ontario para cumplir con un plan para construir Ontario.
TORONTO.- Hoy, el premier de Ontario, Doug Ford presentó su nuevo gabinete con un equipo experimentado que cumplirá con la ambiciosa agenda del gobierno para construir la infraestructura necesaria para desbloquear todo el potencial de la economía de la provincia, incluidas las carreteras y el tránsito.
“Con grandes desafíos por delante, incluido un clima económico mundial incierto, ahora es el momento de la unidad y el trabajo conjunto”, dijo el premier Ford. “Nuestro gobierno será implacable en el cumplimiento de nuestro ambicioso plan para hacer crecer nuestra economía y construir infraestructura mientras no dejamos piedra sin remover cuando se trata de resolver la histórica escasez de mano de obra. Es todo manos a la obra”, añadió Ford.
The new Executive Council includes the following:
- Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario and Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs
- Sylvia Jones, Deputy Premier and Minister of Health
- Peter Bethlenfalvy, Minister of Finance
- Paul Calandra, Minister of Long-Term Care, Minister of Legislative Affairs and Government House Leader
- Raymond Cho, Minister for Seniors and Accessibility
- Steve Clark, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing
- Doug Downey, Attorney General
- Jill Dunlop, Minister of Colleges and Universities
- Vic Fedeli, Minister of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade, with an additional mandate for small business
- Michael Ford, Minister of Citizenship and Multiculturalism
- Merrilee Fullerton, Minister of Children, Community and Social Services
- Parm Gill, Minister of Red Tape Reduction
- Michael Kerzner, Solicitor General
- Stephen Lecce, Minister of Education
- Neil Lumsden, Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport
- Monte McNaughton, Minister of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development
- Caroline Mulroney, Minister of Transportation and Minister of Francophone Affairs
- David Piccini, Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
- Graydon Smith, Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry
- George Pirie, Minister of Mines, with a mandate to develop the Ring of Fire
- Kaleed Rasheed, Minister of Public and Business Service Delivery
- Greg Rickford, Minister of Northern Development and Minister of Indigenous Affairs
- Prabmeet Sarkaria, President of the Treasury Board, with an expanded mandate for emergency management and procurement, including Supply Ontario
- Todd Smith, Minister of Energy
- Kinga Surma, Minister of Infrastructure, with an additional mandate for government real estate
- Lisa Thompson, Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
- Stan Cho, Associate Minister of Transportation
- Michael Parsa, Associate Minister of Housing
- Michael Tibollo, Associate Minister of Mental Health and Addictions
- Charmaine Williams, Associate Minister of Women’s Social and Economic Opportunity